Patents for J. Dennis Jr. |
Patents 1 -
of 10
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
9,784 | Jun. 14, 1853 | F. Purden | Mortising machine | mortising machines |
11,787 | Oct. 10, 1854 | S. Ingersoll | Pawl Drill | hand drills |
14,130 | Jan. 22, 1856 | B.F. Avery | Machine for bending plow-handles, &c. | wood bending machines |
27,206 | Feb. 21, 1860 | A.H. Crozier | Machine for cutting and distancing the locks on hoops | hoop making machines |
30,343 | Oct. 09, 1860 | E. Paye | Power Hammer | trip and helve hammers |
35,740 | Jun. 24, 1862 | G.B. Phillips | Improvements in Wrenches | wrench adjustment locks |
44,504 | Oct. 04, 1864 | N.G. Barnum | Improved machine for filing saws | saw sharpening machines |
48,663 | Jul. 11, 1865 | B.T. Currier | Carpenter's Gage | marking gauges |
71,461 | Nov. 26, 1867 | A.H. Crozier | Improvement in water-wheels | water wheels |
92,887 | Jul. 20, 1869 | M.O. Royce | Improvement in mitre-box | miter boxes |