Patents for George H. Strong |
Patents 1 -
of 37
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
61,384 | Jan. 22, 1867 | W. Bayhouse | Improved Edge Plane for Boots and Shoes | shaves |
69,575 | Oct. 08, 1867 | J. Mott | Improved Combination-Wrench | wrench combination tools |
76,328 | Apr. 07, 1868 | W.H. Birch, J.B. Johnson | Improvement in friction-clutch | hoists, winches, come-alongs |
76,721 | Apr. 14, 1868 | J.P. Davis | Improvement in shingle-machines | shingle machines |
85,008 | Dec. 15, 1868 | F.A. Huntington | Improved carriage-springs | carriage springs |
90,365 | May 25, 1869 | J.M. Johnston | Improvement in saws and saw-teeth | saw teeth |
90,959 | Jun. 08, 1869 | W. Richardson | Improvement in device for turning saw-logs | sawmill log handling |
91,337 | Jun. 15, 1869 | W.H. Howland | Improvement in steam-engine stop-valves | steam engine valves |
92,051 | Jun. 29, 1869 | W.H. Howland | Improvement in steam-engine governors | steam engine governors |
93,534 | Aug. 10, 1869 | C. Hinz | Improvement in mortising-chisel | mortise chisels |
94,780 | Sep. 14, 1869 | N. Seibert | Improvement in lubricators | lubricators |
113,565 | Apr. 11, 1871 | A. Rewrick | Improvement in machines for sawing staves | barrel making machines |
117,471 | Jul. 25, 1871 | P. Schumacher | Improvement in machines for making blind-slats | windowblind machines |
126,394 | May 07, 1872 | J.F. Carter, F.A. Huntington | Improvement in baling-presses | cotton presses |
163,277 | May 11, 1875 | G.H. Strong | Pinchers | combination tools |