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Patents for Barnabas Langdon
Patents 1 - 15 of 15
First set of recordsLast set of records
318XFeb. 20, 1801B. LangdonHydraulic machine for raising waterelevators and lifts
618XMay 10, 1805B. LangdonMode of Manufacturing Tin Waretinsmith
752XApr. 23, 1807B. LangdonSteelyardsteel maker
1,539XJun. 20, 1811B. Langdon, W. MowryMachine for shaving and jointing stavescooper
2,743XFeb. 22, 1817B. LangdonSteam applied to propel carriages and boatssteam traction engines
GB-181,804,226Feb. 12, 1818J. Munro, B. LangdonCertain improvements on steam engines
FX-3,112Jun. 05, 1819J.C. Langdon, B. LangdonPropelling boats by horse powernautical propulsion apparatus
3,112XJun. 05, 1819B. LangdonPaddle wheelnautical propulsion apparatus
3,332XMay 01, 1821B. LangdonPropelling horse boatsnautical propulsion apparatus
9,289XDec. 15, 1835B. LangdonMaking lathslath making machines
286Jul. 19, 1837B. LangdonMode of applying horse or other animal power to propelling machineryanimal powered apparatus
555Jan. 09, 1838B. LangdonMachine for planing plank boards and clapboardswood planers
556Jan. 09, 1838B. LangdonMachine for planing shinglesshingle machines
2,689Jun. 22, 1842B. LangdonImprovement in plowsplows
4,469Apr. 25, 1846B. Langdon, A. SalisburyImprovement in hemp-dressers
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