Patents for Barnabas Langdon |
Patents 1 -
of 15
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
318X | Feb. 20, 1801 | B. Langdon | Hydraulic machine for raising water | elevators and lifts |
618X | May 10, 1805 | B. Langdon | Mode of Manufacturing Tin Ware | tinsmith |
752X | Apr. 23, 1807 | B. Langdon | Steelyard | steel maker |
1,539X | Jun. 20, 1811 | B. Langdon, W. Mowry | Machine for shaving and jointing staves | cooper |
2,743X | Feb. 22, 1817 | B. Langdon | Steam applied to propel carriages and boats | steam traction engines |
GB-181,804,226 | Feb. 12, 1818 | J. Munro, B. Langdon | Certain improvements on steam engines | |
FX-3,112 | Jun. 05, 1819 | J.C. Langdon, B. Langdon | Propelling boats by horse power | nautical propulsion apparatus |
3,112X | Jun. 05, 1819 | B. Langdon | Paddle wheel | nautical propulsion apparatus |
3,332X | May 01, 1821 | B. Langdon | Propelling horse boats | nautical propulsion apparatus |
9,289X | Dec. 15, 1835 | B. Langdon | Making laths | lath making machines |
286 | Jul. 19, 1837 | B. Langdon | Mode of applying horse or other animal power to propelling machinery | animal powered apparatus |
555 | Jan. 09, 1838 | B. Langdon | Machine for planing plank boards and clapboards | wood planers |
556 | Jan. 09, 1838 | B. Langdon | Machine for planing shingles | shingle machines |
2,689 | Jun. 22, 1842 | B. Langdon | Improvement in plows | plows |
4,469 | Apr. 25, 1846 | B. Langdon, A. Salisbury | Improvement in hemp-dressers | |