Patents for Jay Hyatt |
Patents 1 -
of 14
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
46,661 | Mar. 07, 1865 | J. Greenwood | Improvement in machines for making heads to barrels | cooper |
61,715 | Feb. 05, 1867 | J.W. Close | Improvement in Pipe Wrenches | wrench jaw components |
66,947 | Jul. 23, 1867 | D.G. Canfield | Improvement in circular-sawing machines | circular saws |
66,972 | Jul. 23, 1867 | J.L. Lay | Compound Steam Engine | steam engines |
73,293 | Jan. 14, 1868 | J. Brayley | Improvement in shaft-coupling | industrial machine shaft couplings |
75,089 | Mar. 03, 1868 | T.A. Weston | Improvement in Ratchet-Head and Lever | ratchet wrenches |
75,090 | Mar. 03, 1868 | T.A. Weston | Improvement in Ratchet-Head and Lever | ratchet wrenches |
75,091 | Mar. 03, 1868 | T.A. Weston | Improved Right and Left-Hand Ratchet-Brace | brace chucks |
75,092 | Mar. 03, 1868 | T.A. Weston | Ratchet Brace or Lever | ratchet wrenches |
75,093 | Mar. 03, 1868 | T.A. Weston | Improvement in Ratchet-Brace Lever | ratchet wrenches |
79,246 | Jun. 23, 1868 | M.V. Collins, M.M. Morse | Edge Tool Grinder | tool grinders |
81,095 | Aug. 18, 1868 | W.P. Letchworth | Improvement in machines for bending wood | wood bending machines |
87,092 | Feb. 23, 1869 | P. Cook | Improvement in saw-teeth | saw teeth |
103,561 | May 31, 1870 | E.H. Carver | Corn Husking Machine | miller |