Patents for Thomas P. Jones |
Patents 31 -
of 57
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
2,011 | Mar. 18, 1841 | N.J. Wemmer | Apparatus for filing saws | saw sharpening tools |
2,067 | Apr. 24, 1841 | Z. Rice | Machine for Cleaning and Winnowing Grain | |
2,174 | Jul. 16, 1841 | G. Page | Portable circular-saw mill | circular sawmills |
2,202 | Jul. 29, 1841 | J.C. Mayo | Portable sawmill | reciprocating sawmills |
2,272 | Sep. 30, 1841 | H. Law | Machine for planing boards and timber of other kinds | wood planers |
2,289 | Oct. 09, 1841 | L. Gleason | Machine for cutting splints for manufacturing brooms and other articles | excelsior machines |
2,340 | Nov. 10, 1841 | B. Beach | Machine for slitting timber and making splints, laths, hoops, &c. | hoop making machines |
2,400 | Dec. 23, 1841 | T.J. Wells | Improvement in the manner of constructing and of propelling steamboats, denominated the "buoyant spiral propeller" | steamboats |
2,425 | Jan. 17, 1842 | J.A. Fay | Machine for mortising timber | mortising machines |
2,459 | Feb. 12, 1842 | W. Murray, J. Murray | Machine for breaking and grinding corn and corncobs | corn grinders |
2,632 | May 20, 1842 | I. Sheetz | Mill for sawing fellies and other circular stuff | wheelwright |
2,832 | Oct. 26, 1842 | W.H. Harn | Machine for cutting tenons | tenoning machines |
2,853 | Nov. 21, 1842 | W. Foster | Machine for cutting shingles | shingle machines |
3,427 | Feb. 07, 1844 | T. Loring | Improvement in flasks for molding hinges | hinges |
3,497 | Mar. 20, 1844 | L. Whitman, E. Whitman, Jr. | Threshing-machine | threshers and thrashers |