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Patents for Thomas P. Jones
Patents 31 - 45 of 57
First set of recordsPrevious set of recordsNext set of recordsLast set of records
2,011Mar. 18, 1841N.J. WemmerApparatus for filing sawssaw sharpening tools
2,067Apr. 24, 1841Z. RiceMachine for Cleaning and Winnowing Grain
2,174Jul. 16, 1841G. PagePortable circular-saw millcircular sawmills
2,202Jul. 29, 1841J.C. MayoPortable sawmillreciprocating sawmills
2,272Sep. 30, 1841H. LawMachine for planing boards and timber of other kindswood planers
2,289Oct. 09, 1841L. GleasonMachine for cutting splints for manufacturing brooms and other articlesexcelsior machines
2,340Nov. 10, 1841B. BeachMachine for slitting timber and making splints, laths, hoops, &c.hoop making machines
2,400Dec. 23, 1841T.J. WellsImprovement in the manner of constructing and of propelling steamboats, denominated the "buoyant spiral propeller"steamboats
2,425Jan. 17, 1842J.A. FayMachine for mortising timbermortising machines
2,459Feb. 12, 1842W. Murray, J. MurrayMachine for breaking and grinding corn and corncobscorn grinders
2,632May 20, 1842I. SheetzMill for sawing fellies and other circular stuffwheelwright
2,832Oct. 26, 1842W.H. HarnMachine for cutting tenonstenoning machines
2,853Nov. 21, 1842W. FosterMachine for cutting shinglesshingle machines
3,427Feb. 07, 1844T. LoringImprovement in flasks for molding hingeshinges
3,497Mar. 20, 1844L. Whitman, E. Whitman, Jr.Threshing-machinethreshers and thrashers
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