Patents for John A. Miller |
Patents 1 -
of 14
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
74,096 | Feb. 04, 1868 | I.B. Jones | Improvement in sawing machines | human powered machines |
164,470 | Jun. 15, 1875 | J.A. Miller | Improvement in saw-sharpening machines | saw sharpening machines |
201,271 | Mar. 12, 1878 | J.A. Miller | Improvement in saw-sharpening machines | saw sharpening machines |
212,813 | Mar. 04, 1879 | J.A. Miller | Improvement in circular saws | sawblades |
RE9,217 | May 25, 1880 | J.S. Everitt, C.H. Avery | Head-block for saw-mills | sawmill headblocks |
239,972 | Apr. 12, 1881 | J.A. Miller | Reducing Socket Ratchet Nut Wrench | ratchet wrenches |
243,942 | Jul. 05, 1881 | J.A. Miller | Nut Wrench | ratchet wrenches |
253,549 | Feb. 14, 1882 | J.A. Miller | Combined Wrench and Drill | ratchet wrenches |
260,598 | Jul. 04, 1882 | J.A. Miller | Traction Engine | steam traction engines |
CA-35,643 | Dec. 20, 1890 | J.A. Miller | Vehicle Wrench | socket wrenches |
445,451 | Jan. 27, 1891 | J.A. Miller | Vehicle Wrench | nut wrenches |
GB-189,104,362 | Mar. 11, 1891 | W.H. Munns, J.A. Miller | Wrenches | axle nut wrenches |
454,222 | Jun. 16, 1891 | J.A. Miller | Wrench | quick adjust wrenches |
485,290 | Nov. 01, 1892 | J.A. Miller | Combined Rigid and Ratchet Wrench | ratchet wrenches |