Patents for William Gregg |
Patents 1 -
of 5
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
1,526 | Mar. 25, 1840 | M. Gregg | Manner of fastening bedsteads and attaching and stretching sackings | beds and bedsteads |
1,895 | Dec. 10, 1840 | M. Gregg | Machine for cutting round tenons and for cutting or turning other articles of wood into a cylindrical form | hollow bits |
19,292 | Feb. 09, 1858 | M. Gregg | Machine for cutting tenons on spokes | tenoning machines |
68,517 | Sep. 03, 1867 | G.C. Lathrop | Improvement in sawing machines | drag saws |
274,591 | Mar. 27, 1883 | W. Gregg | Device for Handling Fruit Cans | jar wrenches |