Patents for W. M. Gooding |
Patents 1 -
of 17
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
24,494 | Jun. 21, 1859 | H. Sauerbier | Tool for Planing and Finishing the Edges of Boot and Shoe Soles | cobbler |
26,691 | Jan. 03, 1860 | J.H. Masker | Machine for turning hat-blocks | wood lathes |
28,672 | Jun. 12, 1860 | H.W. Jelliff | Dovetailing-machine | dovetailing machines |
30,579 | Nov. 06, 1860 | W. Kearney | Improvements in Wrenches for Pipes and Stud-Bolts | pipe wrenches |
38,399 | May 05, 1863 | E. Lumley | Improvement in lathes for turning irregular form | pattern lathes |
42,593 | May 03, 1864 | L.H. Olmsted | Improvement in oil-cans | oil cans |
46,352 | Feb. 14, 1865 | N. Harper | Improvement in turning-lathes | wood lathes |
54,222 | Apr. 24, 1866 | J.M. Seymour | Machine for tenoning blind-slats | tenoning machines |
57,437 | Aug. 21, 1866 | M.S. Drake | Improvement in hat-ironing machines | milliner |
60,542 | Dec. 18, 1866 | F.B. Northop | Improvement in sawing shingles | shingle machines |
61,328 | Jan. 22, 1867 | M.S. Drake | Improved barrel bungs | |
61,814 | Feb. 05, 1867 | M.S. Drake | Improvement in machines for pouncing hats | milliner |
74,156 | Feb. 04, 1868 | J.M. Seymour | Improved Socket-Wrench | wrench handle components |
74,724 | Feb. 18, 1868 | J.M. Seymour | Improvement in spacing and boring-machines | mortising machines |
80,045 | Jul. 14, 1868 | C. Wright | Improvement in friction-clutch pulley | industrial machine clutches |