Patents for J. P. Hall |
Patents 1 -
of 6
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
45,535 | Dec. 20, 1864 | H. Taylor | Parallel Rule with Protractor | rules |
48,857 | Jul. 18, 1865 | G. Westinghouse, Sr. | Improvement in sawing machines | drag saws |
49,139 | Aug. 01, 1865 | H.H. Abbe, W.H. Nichols | Improved Lathe for Turning Heads of Nail, Tacks, etc. | metal lathes |
50,759 | Oct. 31, 1865 | G. Westinghouse, Jr. | Improvement in rotary steam-engines | |
51,522 | Dec. 12, 1865 | C.A. Stillman | Improvement in pumps | steam pumps |
146,123 | Jan. 06, 1874 | G.W. Chandler, J.G. Folsom | Bit-stock | brace chucks |