Patents for James Molyneux |
Patents 1 -
of 10
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
25,704 | Oct. 04, 1859 | J. Molyneux | Rotary dredging-machine | dredges |
27,944 | Apr. 17, 1860 | W.W. Allen, J. Molyneux | Improvement in sewing-machines | |
30,026 | Sep. 11, 1860 | J. Molyneux | Block for forming tiles | manufacturing bricks and tiles |
42,213 | Apr. 05, 1864 | J. Molyneux | Improvement in apparatus for forcing oil from wells | oil well pumps |
RE1,789 | Oct. 04, 1864 | J. Molyneux | Apparatus for forcing oil from oil wells | oil well pumps |
47,243 | Apr. 11, 1865 | J. Molyneux | Air pump | oil well pumps |
48,349 | Jun. 20, 1865 | W.A. Wright, J. Molyneux | Improvement in sawmills | reciprocating sawmills |
60,774 | Jan. 01, 1867 | J. Molyneux | Improved excavator | excavators |
65,051 | May 28, 1867 | P. Bloomsburg, Jr., J. Molyneux | Mechanical movement | steam engine valve gear |
65,470 | Jun. 04, 1867 | P. Bloomsburg, Jr., J. Molyneux | Rotary valve for steam engines | steam engine valve gear |