Patents for Thomas S. J. Douglas |
Patents 1 -
of 9
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
39,755 | Sep. 01, 1863 | A. Schwitter | Improvement in engine-turning machines | ornamental lathes |
RE1,534 | Sep. 08, 1863 | I.E. Palmer | Tackle Block | block and tackles |
39,790 | Sep. 08, 1863 | A. Beekman | Improvement in scrollsaws | scrollsaws |
39,817 | Sep. 08, 1863 | L.A. Johnson | Lathe for turning billiard balls | wood lathes |
40,275 | Oct. 13, 1863 | O. Peck | Improvement in attaching bits to braces | brace chucks |
40,480 | Nov. 03, 1863 | S.L. Hill | Wood Clamp | |
40,502 | Nov. 03, 1863 | E.B. Requa | Saw Mill Head Block | sawmill headblocks |
41,546 | Feb. 09, 1864 | W. Stivers | Improvement in drills | drill presses |
41,908 | Mar. 15, 1864 | P. Crosby | Improvement in sawmills | reciprocating sawmills |