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Patents for Theodore Foster
Patents 1 - 11 of 11
First set of recordsLast set of records
40,098Sep. 29, 1863T. FosterHay Forkhay or straw forks
2,450,788Oct. 05, 1948T. FosterLathe Attachmentmetal lathe accessories and attachments
2,481,383Sep. 06, 1949T. Foster, S.A. Brandenburg, C.A. BickelMachine toolmultiple spindle lathes
2,495,312Jan. 24, 1950S.A. Bradenburg, C.A. Bickel, T. FosterPower Unit for Machine Toolsmetal lathe accessories and attachments
GB-654,353Jun. 13, 1951C.A. Bickel, S.A. Brandenburg, T. FosterImprovements in and relating to self-contained tool-feeding units for lathes and like machine toolsmetal lathes
2,557,860Jun. 19, 1951T. Foster, S.A. Bradenburg, C.A. BickelMachine Toolform producing lathes
2,585,215Feb. 12, 1952T. Foster, S.A. Brandenburg, C.A. BickelPower unitmetalworking power transmission
2,585,216Feb. 12, 1952T. Foster, S.A. Brandenburg, C.A. BickelUnitary Mechanism for Performing Multiple Simultaneous and Successive Operationsmultiple spindle lathes
2,585,217Feb. 12, 1952T. Foster, S.A. Brandenburg, C.A. BickelAutomatic Latheautomatic lathes
CA-489,644Jan. 13, 1953C.A. Bickel, S.A. Brandenburg, T. FosterPower unitmetal lathes
CA-490,266Feb. 03, 1953C.A. Bickel, T. FosterAutomatic lathemetal lathes
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