Patents for Theodore Foster |
Patents 1 -
of 11
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
40,098 | Sep. 29, 1863 | T. Foster | Hay Fork | hay or straw forks |
2,450,788 | Oct. 05, 1948 | T. Foster | Lathe Attachment | metal lathe accessories and attachments |
2,481,383 | Sep. 06, 1949 | T. Foster, S.A. Brandenburg, C.A. Bickel | Machine tool | multiple spindle lathes |
2,495,312 | Jan. 24, 1950 | S.A. Bradenburg, C.A. Bickel, T. Foster | Power Unit for Machine Tools | metal lathe accessories and attachments |
GB-654,353 | Jun. 13, 1951 | C.A. Bickel, S.A. Brandenburg, T. Foster | Improvements in and relating to self-contained tool-feeding units for lathes and like machine tools | metal lathes |
2,557,860 | Jun. 19, 1951 | T. Foster, S.A. Bradenburg, C.A. Bickel | Machine Tool | form producing lathes |
2,585,215 | Feb. 12, 1952 | T. Foster, S.A. Brandenburg, C.A. Bickel | Power unit | metalworking power transmission |
2,585,216 | Feb. 12, 1952 | T. Foster, S.A. Brandenburg, C.A. Bickel | Unitary Mechanism for Performing Multiple Simultaneous and Successive Operations | multiple spindle lathes |
2,585,217 | Feb. 12, 1952 | T. Foster, S.A. Brandenburg, C.A. Bickel | Automatic Lathe | automatic lathes |
CA-489,644 | Jan. 13, 1953 | C.A. Bickel, S.A. Brandenburg, T. Foster | Power unit | metal lathes |
CA-490,266 | Feb. 03, 1953 | C.A. Bickel, T. Foster | Automatic lathe | metal lathes |