Patents for William Robertson |
Patents 1 -
of 9
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
758 | May 30, 1838 | S. Kimball | Mode of Appying Friction to the Yarn-Beams of Power-Looms | looms |
483,367 | Sep. 27, 1892 | W. Robertson | Cementing-machine | |
639,773 | Dec. 26, 1899 | W. Robertson | Tool-handle | tool handles |
677,276 | Jun. 25, 1901 | W. Robertson | Grinding-machine | grinders |
758,191 | Apr. 26, 1904 | W. Robertson | Coaling-station | |
811,094 | Jan. 30, 1906 | W. Robertson | Mattress | |
822,153 | May 29, 1906 | W. Robertson | Material and cinder-pit elevator | |
856,808 | Jun. 11, 1907 | W. Robertson | Engine | internal combustion engines |
1,032,430 | Jul. 16, 1912 | W. Robertson | Drill-press | drill presses |