Patents for Raymond H. Andresen |
Patents 1 -
of 16
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
D142,811 | Nov. 13, 1945 | R.H. Andresen | Design for a jointer or similar article | jointers |
D144,827 | May 28, 1946 | R.H. Andresen | Design for a drill press or similar article | drill presses |
D162,279 | Mar. 06, 1951 | H.A. Andresen, R.H. Andresen | Jig saw | scrollsaws |
2,756,080 | Jul. 24, 1956 | H.A. Andresen, R.H. Andresen | Rotary Seal and Clutch Assembly | shaft seals |
2,762,457 | Sep. 11, 1956 | R.H. Andresen, H.A. Andresen | Apparatus for Oil Mist Lubrication | industrial machine lubrication |
2,835,267 | May 20, 1958 | R.H. Andresen, H.A. Andresen | Air Line Lubricator | pneumatic tool lubricators |
2,919,939 | Jan. 05, 1960 | H.A. Andresen, R.H. Andresen | High Temperature Shaft Seal | shaft seals |
3,120,959 | Feb. 11, 1964 | R.H. Andresen, H. Jensen | Unitized Face Type Rotary Seal | shaft seals |
3,190,661 | Jun. 22, 1965 | R.H. Andresen, G. Schultz, E.C. Wahl | Vented Seal With Stationary Spaced Sealing Members | shaft seals |
3,191,945 | Jun. 29, 1965 | R.H. Andresen | Rotary Seal With Supporting Sleeve | shaft seals |
3,239,232 | Mar. 08, 1966 | R.H. Andresen | Self-leveling Rotary Seal | shaft seals |
3,276,780 | Oct. 04, 1966 | C.F. Glut, R.H. Andresen | Vibration Control for Bellows Seal | shaft seals |
3,278,191 | Oct. 11, 1966 | R.H. Andresen, R.J. Gits | Shaft Seal | shaft seals |
3,333,855 | Aug. 01, 1967 | R.H. Andresen | Floating Controlled Gap Seal | shaft seals |
3,445,119 | May 20, 1969 | R.H. Andresen, L.K. Hanson | Self-Compensating Seal | shaft seals |