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Patents for Olmedo Cortez Wysong
Patents 1 - 15 of 20
First set of recordsNext set of recordsLast set of records
793,492Jun. 27, 1905O.C. WysongMortising-machinemortising machines
804,514Nov. 14, 1905O.C. WysongAbrasive apparatussanding machines
807,799Dec. 19, 1905O.C. WysongMortising-toolcutters
812,317Feb. 13, 1906O.C. WysongWoodworking-machinebandsaws
832,114Oct. 02, 1906O.C. WysongAbrasive apparatusbelt sanders
832,889Oct. 09, 1906O.C. WysongAbrasive apparatusbelt sanders
900,249Oct. 06, 1908O.C. WysongAbrasive apparatussanding machines
918,247Apr. 13, 1909O.C. WysongAbrasive apparatusbelt sanders
918,248Apr. 13, 1909O.C. WysongBand-pulleybandsaws
968,726Aug. 30, 1910O.C. WysongAbrasive apparatusbelt sanders
994,358Jun. 06, 1911O.C. WysongAbrasive apparatussanding machines
996,443Jun. 27, 1911O.C. WysongSandpapering-machinesanding machines
1,013,980Jan. 09, 1912O.C. WysongBelt sandpapering-machinebelt sanders
1,053,339Feb. 18, 1913O.C. WysongMortising-machinemortising machines
1,082,670Dec. 30, 1913O.C. WysongMethod of polishing curved surfacessanding machines
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