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Patents for James A. Walsh
Patents 1 - 15 of 44
First set of recordsNext set of recordsLast set of records
445,198Jan. 27, 1891R.E. PoindexterFence-post base
503,697Aug. 22, 1893R.L. DorseyKraut-cuttervegetable cutters and slicers
503,804Aug. 22, 1893R.E. PoindexterPost-base
506,440Oct. 10, 1893R.E. PoindexterCorn-splitting machine
514,963Feb. 20, 1894J.F. PribnowDevice for shaping swaged saw-teethsaw swages
515,436Feb. 27, 1894G.B. MartinWrench For Vehiclesaxle nut wrenches that lock nut to wheel hub
518,262Apr. 17, 1894C.W. Meggenhofen, A.S. CortrightBoring-machinedrill bits
522,810Jul. 10, 1894W.H. TuckerCasterdollies, carts and hand trucks
540,065May 28, 1895A. KriegerSawinsertable saw teeth
551,144Dec. 10, 1895R.E. PoindexterCrosscut Sawcrosscut saw teeth
552,168Dec. 31, 1895E. BretneyGas-generator for ice and refrigerating machines
552,598Jan. 07, 1896W.H. TuckerCasterdollies, carts and hand trucks
561,094Jun. 02, 1896R.E. Poindexter, P.M. DahlSawinsertable saw teeth
D25,763Jul. 07, 1896T.L. WallaceDamaskeen Finishhandsaws
565,525Aug. 11, 1896W.H. TuckerCoat and hat rackfurniture
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