Patents for J. W. Garner |
Patents 16 -
of 23
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
412,373 | Oct. 08, 1889 | P.R. Erickson | Nut Wrench | nut wrenches |
427,603 | May 13, 1890 | I.T. McIntyre | Plow Clevis | clevises |
660,045 | Oct. 16, 1900 | W.M. Carroll | Electrically-actuated sawmill set-works | sawmill set works |
667,187 | Feb. 05, 1901 | A. Carstens | Machine for Sharpening or Shaping Drills | sharpening machines |
685,690 | Oct. 29, 1901 | W.P. Moulton | Butt Gage | butt gauges |
697,581 | Apr. 15, 1902 | C.A. Wessman | Drilling-machine | drilling and boring |
1,118,839 | Nov. 24, 1914 | R.E. Benson | Combined Surface Gage | try squares |
1,210,339 | Dec. 26, 1916 | T.R. Maddox | Joint Gauge, Level and Miter Square | levels |