Patents for Samuel Couillard Jr. |
Patents 1 -
of 5
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
4,817X | Jul. 14, 1827 | S. Couillard, Jr. | Printing press | printer |
4,889X | Oct. 05, 1827 | S. Couillard, Jr. | Printing press | printer |
6,184X | Oct. 09, 1830 | S. Couillard, Jr. | Wiping and polishing the exterior surface of punched, etched, or engraved plates | polishing machines |
7,501X | Mar. 30, 1833 | S. Couillard, Jr. | Clearing wool of burs | textile machines |
RX-9 | Jul. 06, 1839 | S. Couillard, Jr. | Machine for Combing Wool and Separating the Longer from the Shorter Fibers | spinner |