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Patents for James Hartness
Patents 1 - 15 of 94
First set of recordsNext set of recordsLast set of records
392,425Nov. 06, 1888J.J. Tower, J. HartnessCarpenter's Planeplane cap irons
409,786Aug. 27, 1889J. HartnessTurret Lathe Having a Supplemental Drill Spindlehorizontal drilling machines
412,027Oct. 01, 1889E.F. Spaulding, J. HartnessLathe Chuckmetal lathe chucks
424,979Apr. 08, 1890J. HartnessScrew Machine Toolscrew machines
431,809Jul. 08, 1890J. HartnessAttachment for Metal Screw Machinesmetal lathe accessories and attachments
441,411Nov. 25, 1890J. HartnessStock Feeding Device for Screw Machinesworkpiece changers and storage mechanisms
451,711May 05, 1891J. HartnessChuckmetal lathe chucks
457,967Aug. 18, 1891J. HartnessMachine for Making Screwsscrew machines
467,097Jan. 12, 1892J. HartnessBelt Shipperindustrial machine pulleys and belt drive mechanisms
467,098Jan. 12, 1892J. HartnessStock Feeding Device for Screw Machinesworkpiece changers and storage mechanisms
501,273Jul. 11, 1893J. HartnessTool for Turning Tapering Surfaceslathe tools
510,020Dec. 05, 1893J. HartnessScrew Machinescrew machines
529,169Nov. 13, 1894J. HartnessScrew Cutting Dietap and die holders
541,483Jun. 25, 1895J. HartnessFluid Controlled Clutch and Speed Regulatormetalworking variable speed mechanisms
543,551Jul. 30, 1895J. HartnessMetal Reducing Toollathe tools
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