Patents for F. D. Ammen |
Patents 1 -
of 6
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
680,535 | Aug. 13, 1901 | J.B. Meriam | Apparatus for Charging Storage Batteries of Automobile Vehicles | battery charging devices |
683,033 | Sep. 24, 1901 | E.E. Frederick | Spirit Level | spirit levels |
723,980 | Mar. 31, 1903 | H.W. Bogart | Fruit Jar Holder | jar wrenches |
793,729 | Jul. 04, 1905 | M. Mahlen | Wrench For Threshing Cylinders | cylinder tooth wrenches |
820,814 | May 15, 1906 | J.P. McGinnity, E.H. Winkler | Combination-tool | brace wrenches |
867,081 | Sep. 24, 1907 | J.J. Robinson | Gage | circular saw accessories |