Patents for Geo. E. Frech |
Patents 1 -
of 14
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
438,992 | Oct. 21, 1890 | C.L. Edwards | Bolt Holder | |
496,755 | May 02, 1893 | N.R. Streeter | Vegetable Or Meat Cutter | vegetable cutters and slicers |
546,752 | Sep. 24, 1895 | A.R. Yount | Axle Nut Wrench | axle nut wrenches that lock nut to wheel hub |
555,797 | Mar. 03, 1896 | J.D. Wilson | Wrench | pipe wrenches |
571,686 | Nov. 17, 1896 | J. Reel | Clevis | clevises |
595,975 | Dec. 21, 1897 | L.D. Shryock | Wrench For Oil Well Tools | wrenches |
597,286 | Jan. 11, 1898 | J. Horswill, Jr. | Tool For Removing Casings of Pneumatic Tires | combination tools |
607,436 | Jul. 19, 1898 | E.E. Hilliker | Carriage Wrench | axle nut wrenches |
D30,281 | Feb. 28, 1899 | D.D. Stetler | Member For Fence Tools | multipurpose fence tools |
625,145 | May 16, 1899 | R.T. Clyde, J. Clyde | Wrench | nut wrenches |
640,598 | Jan. 02, 1900 | D.D. Stetler | Combination Tool | multipurpose fence tools |
642,026 | Jan. 23, 1900 | J.R. Weathersby | Clevis | clevises |
651,897 | Jun. 19, 1900 | C. Stoolfire | Wire Stretcher and Reel Carrier | multipurpose fence tools |
685,634 | Oct. 29, 1901 | F. Olson, J.C. Opland | Combined Slide Gage and Try Square | squares |