Patents for James Coulter |
Patents 1 -
of 8
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
6,797X | Oct. 13, 1831 | J. Coulter | Weighing machine | |
98,850 | Jan. 18, 1870 | H. Harpin, J. Coulter | Stone Dressing Machine | stone dressing machines |
387,341 | Aug. 07, 1888 | J. Coulter | Machine for Dressing and Planing Stone | stone dressing machines |
387,342 | Aug. 07, 1888 | J. Coulter | Stone Dressing Machine | stone dressing machines |
782,220 | Feb. 14, 1905 | A.D. Laws, deceased (Estate of), J. Coulter, S.E. Laws, Administratrix | Automatic Screw Cutting and Turning Lathe | screwcutting lathes |
908,960 | Jan. 05, 1909 | J. Coulter | Automatic Screw Cutting and Turning Lathe | screwcutting lathes |
1,023,126 | Apr. 16, 1912 | J. Coulter | Wire Chain Machine | chain making machines |
2,027,023 | Jan. 07, 1936 | J. Coulter | Multiple Spindle Boring Machine | vertical boring mills |