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Patents for William B. Leonard
Patents 1 - 7 of 7
First set of recordsLast set of records
3,057XJan. 09, 1819W.B. LeonardSpindle and bobbin for spinning cottonspinner
3,058XJan. 09, 1819W.B. LeonardMachine for making cordagerope maker
4,766XMay 23, 1827W.B. LeonardDelivering the yarn uniformly in the power loomlooms
4,767XMay 23, 1827W.B. LeonardTaking up the cloth uniformly in the power loomlooms
7,760XSep. 16, 1833W.B. LeonardCarding, cotton, enginecloth carding machines
7,761XSep. 16, 1833W.B. LeonardCotton, rail way, drawing head for
2,960Feb. 20, 1843W.B. LeonardCotton Presscotton presses
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