Patents for William B. Leonard |
Patents 1 -
of 7
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
3,057X | Jan. 09, 1819 | W.B. Leonard | Spindle and bobbin for spinning cotton | spinner |
3,058X | Jan. 09, 1819 | W.B. Leonard | Machine for making cordage | rope maker |
4,766X | May 23, 1827 | W.B. Leonard | Delivering the yarn uniformly in the power loom | looms |
4,767X | May 23, 1827 | W.B. Leonard | Taking up the cloth uniformly in the power loom | looms |
7,760X | Sep. 16, 1833 | W.B. Leonard | Carding, cotton, engine | cloth carding machines |
7,761X | Sep. 16, 1833 | W.B. Leonard | Cotton, rail way, drawing head for | |
2,960 | Feb. 20, 1843 | W.B. Leonard | Cotton Press | cotton presses |