Patents for Robert H. Porter |
Patents 1 -
of 22
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
281,762 | Jul. 24, 1883 | A.F. Griswold | Facing for saw-mill head-blocks | sawmill headblocks |
284,997 | Sep. 18, 1883 | J.O. Barrett | Bench Vise | bench vises |
286,354 | Oct. 09, 1883 | W.M. Wilkin | Saw-buckle for reciprocating saws | reciprocating sawmills |
286,356 | Oct. 09, 1883 | W.M. Wilkin | Saw-relief mechanism for saw-mills | reciprocating sawmills |
286,357 | Oct. 09, 1883 | W.M. Wilkin | Feed mechanism for saw-mills | sawmill feed works |
286,990 | Oct. 23, 1883 | J.O. Barrett | Bench Vise | bench vises |
291,820 | Jan. 08, 1884 | E. Walker | Chisel Handle/Plane | combination tools |
301,472 | Jul. 08, 1884 | H.R. Barnhurst | Saw-mill head-block | sawmill headblocks |
304,983 | Sep. 09, 1884 | W.M. Wilkin | Gang-saw mill | reciprocating sawmills |
327,574 | Oct. 06, 1885 | J.S. Miller | Band-saw mill | band sawmills |
332,161 | Dec. 08, 1885 | J.S. Miller, E. Lapham | Saw-mill | band sawmills |
336,192 | Feb. 16, 1886 | W.M. Wilkin | Gang-saw mill | reciprocating sawmills |
336,193 | Feb. 16, 1886 | W.M. Wilkin | Combined edger and cant sawing machine | circular ripsaws |
336,194 | Feb. 16, 1886 | W.M. Wilkin | Saw-mill dog | sawmill dogs |
338,017 | Mar. 16, 1886 | H.R. Barnhurst | Bandsaw mill | band sawmills |