Patents for William H. Taylor |
Patents 1 -
of 6
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
106,036 | Aug. 02, 1870 | W. Dickson | Improvement in cork-screws | mechanical cork extractors |
115,585 | Jun. 06, 1871 | W. Dickson | Improvement in cork-screw attachments | mechanical cork extractors |
196,473 | Oct. 23, 1877 | W.J. Crossley, F.W. Crossley, N.A. Otto | Gas Motor Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
584,673 | Jun. 15, 1897 | J.H. Crawford | Spacing and Punching Machine | metal punching machines |
806,556 | Dec. 05, 1905 | F. Mitchell, F. Gunn | Tool or appliance for use in enabling the joints of leather, canvas and similar belting to be joined together | belts, belt lacing and belt lacers |
1,011,667 | Dec. 12, 1911 | W.H. Taylor | Tool Holder | lathe tool holders and tool posts |