Patents for Peregrine Williamson |
Patents 1 -
of 11
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
1,168X | Nov. 22, 1809 | P. Williamson | Metallic writing pen | writing instruments |
1,926X | May 12, 1813 | P. Williamson | Machine for shot and bullets | gunsmith |
3,185X | Mar. 20, 1820 | P. Williamson | Coffee Roaster | coffee roasters |
3,415X | Dec. 06, 1821 | P. Williamson | Improvement in bedsteads | |
3,598X | Oct. 17, 1822 | P. Williamson | Bedstead | |
4,150X | Jun. 18, 1825 | P. Williamson | Machine for roasting coffee | coffee roasters |
5,368X | Feb. 16, 1829 | P. Williamson | Cooking stove, in the premium railway | railroad car stoves |
6,247X | Nov. 11, 1830 | P. Williamson | Secret bedstead | |
7,749X | Sep. 09, 1833 | P. Williamson | Screw auger | auger bits |
8,735X | Mar. 30, 1835 | P. Williamson | Metallic pens | |
RX-26 | Sep. 30, 1840 | P. Williamson | Improvement in the Making or Manufacturing of the Premium Railway Cooking-Stove | railroad car stoves |