Patents for Joseph G. Baker |
Patents 1 -
of 16
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
342,992 | Jun. 01, 1886 | J.G. Baker | Pipe and rod vise | pipe and chain vises |
348,818 | Sep. 07, 1886 | J.G. Baker | Pipe and rod vise | pipe and chain vises |
453,459 | Jun. 02, 1891 | J.G. Baker | Vise | bench vises |
692,225 | Feb. 04, 1902 | J.G. Baker | Saw set | saw sets |
692,226 | Feb. 04, 1902 | J.G. Baker | Saw Set | saw sets |
767,199 | Aug. 09, 1904 | J.G. Baker | Improved Combination Wrench With Pipe-Cutting Attachment | pipe and nut combination wrenches |
877,695 | Jan. 28, 1908 | J.G. Baker | Bench Vise | bench vises |
1,011,144 | Dec. 12, 1911 | J.G. Baker | Lathe Tool Holder | lathe tool holders and tool posts |
1,011,714 | Dec. 12, 1911 | J.G. Baker | Tool Holder | lathe tool holders and tool posts |
1,011,715 | Dec. 12, 1911 | J.G. Baker | Right and Left Hand Side and Turning Tool | lathe tools |
1,011,716 | Dec. 12, 1911 | J.G. Baker | Lathe Tool Holder | lathe tool holders and tool posts |
1,011,717 | Dec. 12, 1911 | J.G. Baker | Tool Holder | lathe tool holders and tool posts |
1,048,792 | Dec. 31, 1912 | J.G. Baker | Boring, Turning and Planing Tool | wood drilling and boring |
1,052,400 | Feb. 04, 1913 | J.G. Baker | Threading and Inside Turning Tool | lathe tools |
1,141,602 | Jun. 01, 1915 | J.G. Baker | Lost Motion Take-Up For Tools | |