Patents for Thomas S. Disston |
Patents 16 -
of 26
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
178,123 | May 30, 1876 | T.S. Disston | Improvement in insertable saw-teeth | insertable saw teeth |
188,604 | Mar. 20, 1877 | T.S. Disston | Improvement in Combined Pruning Shears and Saw | making handsaws |
189,199 | Apr. 03, 1877 | T.S. Disston | Improvement in insertable saw-teeth | insertable saw teeth |
312,444 | Feb. 17, 1885 | T.S. Disston | Shingle Planing Machine | shingle machines |
333,452 | Dec. 29, 1885 | T.S. Disston | Post Hole Digger | |
367,605 | Aug. 02, 1887 | T.S. Disston | Saw | compass saws |
412,024 | Oct. 01, 1889 | T.S. Disston | Improvement in Wrenches For Inserting Saw Teeth | wrenches |
429,019 | May 27, 1890 | T.S. Disston | Saw-gumming machine | tool making machines |
482,572 | Sep. 13, 1892 | T.S. Disston | Saw Filing Machine | filing machines |
495,931 | Apr. 18, 1893 | T.S. Disston | Handsaw | compass saws |
510,846 | Dec. 12, 1893 | T.S. Disston | Saw Sharpening Device | saw sharpening tools |