Patents for R. M. Smith |
Patents 16 -
of 24
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
582,530 | May 11, 1897 | S.W. Hyatt | Crank Fastening For Bicycles | auxiliary wrenches |
640,643 | Jan. 02, 1900 | J.H. Fahrney | Wrench | pipe and nut combination wrenches |
650,077 | May 22, 1900 | W.T. Hatten | Pipe Wrench | pipe wrenches |
654,769 | Jul. 31, 1900 | G.S. Tilton | Wrench | quick adjust wrenches |
961,010 | Jun. 07, 1910 | W. Caron, P.J. Poitras | Grinding Machine | |
1,074,936 | Oct. 07, 1913 | W.R. Evans | Pipe Wrench | pipe wrenches |
1,206,164 | Nov. 28, 1916 | J.M. Stryhal | Valve Grinding Tool | valve grinding tools |
1,212,003 | Jan. 09, 1917 | C.L. Bean | Valve Assembly Remover | valve seat pullers |
1,260,080 | Mar. 19, 1918 | J.W. Singer | Cylinder Grinder | metal lathe accessories and attachments |