Patents for Achilles Schehl |
Patents 1 -
of 9
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
212,659 | Feb. 25, 1879 | J. Overton, J.J. Christie | Wrench And Crimper For Nut-Washers | wrench combination tools |
215,128 | May 06, 1879 | O.G. Johnson, J.G. Johnson | Improved Pipe-Wrench | self-adjust wrenches |
216,468 | Jun. 10, 1879 | A. St. Mary | Hog-Ring and Ringing Implement | hog ring |
217,697 | Jul. 22, 1879 | B.W. Lloyd | Monkey-Wrench | wrench jaw components |
219,504 | Sep. 09, 1879 | J. Obrist | Pinchers | pliers |
219,758 | Sep. 16, 1879 | R.R. Piper | Pipe-Wrench | chain and strap wrenches |
221,622 | Nov. 11, 1879 | M.H. Sly | Combination Tool | combination tools |
223,709 | Jan. 20, 1880 | M.B. Cornell | Framing Squares | carpenter squares |
224,481 | Feb. 10, 1880 | H.M. Sciple | Portable Steam Engine | portable steam engines |