Patents for William Thomas |
Patents 1 -
of 7
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
6,183X | Oct. 07, 1830 | W. Thomas | Machine for dressing staves | cooper |
6,730X | Aug. 25, 1831 | W. Thomas | Manufacturing shingles | shingle machines |
8,109X | Mar. 26, 1834 | J. Thomas | Floating dry dock | dry docks |
RX-43 | Jul. 08, 1842 | T. Allen | Improvement in Machines for Making Coopers' Rivets and Other Rivets | rivet making machines |
23,277 | Mar. 15, 1859 | W. Thomas | Sail Wagon | |
XC-1,543 | Jun. 09, 1863 | W. Thomas, F.T. Richmond | The locomotive crosscut sawing machine | woodworking machines |
996,683 | Jul. 04, 1911 | W. Thomas | Improved Ratchet Wrench | ratchet wrenches |