Patents for Walter J. Johnson |
Patents 1 -
of 6
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
2,464,381 | Mar. 15, 1949 | W.J. Johnson, E. Donaldson | Coupling | socket wrenches |
2,650,512 | Sep. 01, 1953 | C.G. Ertell, W.J. Johnson | Pipe Wrench with Nut Fulcrumed Pivoted Outer Jaw | pipe wrenches |
2,656,751 | Oct. 27, 1953 | C.G. Ertell, W.J. Johnson | Replaceable Jaw Insert for Pipe Wrenches | wrench jaw components |
2,706,424 | Apr. 19, 1955 | W.J. Johnson | Reversible Ratchet Wrench | ratchet wrenches |
2,719,449 | Oct. 04, 1955 | W.J. Johnson | Open End Wrench Locking Means | wrench jaw components |
2,772,763 | Dec. 04, 1956 | W.J. Johnson | Ratchet Wrench | ratchet wrenches |