Patents for Israel Kinney |
Patents 1 -
of 8
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
XC-1,545 | Jun. 17, 1863 | I. Kinney | Motive power | industrial machine mechanisms |
CA-2,790 | Oct. 10, 1873 | I. Kinney | Clamping Tool | work holding |
146,189 | Jan. 06, 1874 | I. Kinney | Curve Scribers | dividers |
GB-187,401,865 | May 28, 1874 | I. Kinney | Clamps; Vices; Wrenches | work holding |
182,762 | Oct. 03, 1876 | I. Kinney | Ornamental lathe attachment | wood lathes |
230,876 | Aug. 10, 1880 | I. Kinney | Calipers and Dividers | calipers |
250,367 | Dec. 06, 1881 | I. Kinney | Wrench & Pipe Cutter | pipe and nut combination wrenches |
CA-15,972 | Dec. 18, 1882 | I. Kinney | Improvement on Pipe and Nut Wrenches and Pipe Cutters | pipe and nut combination wrenches |