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Patents for C. W. Smith
Patents 1 - 15 of 22
First set of recordsNext set of recordsLast set of records
72,202Dec. 17, 1867F.A. HuntingtonImproved spring-bed bottombeds and bedsteads
82,994Oct. 13, 1868E.P. RussellNut Wrenchpliers type wrenches
153,534Jul. 28, 1874J.C. ButterfieldImprovement in trip-hammersdrop hammers
171,230Dec. 21, 1875W.A. KittsImprovement in shingle-planersshingle machines
297,602Apr. 29, 1884T. HookerMicrometermicrometers
385,692Jul. 10, 1888R.H. Arnold, E.S. StaplesAutomatic dampersteam heating
422,357Feb. 25, 1890W.E. Kane, F.T. WeidawFilter
422,358Feb. 25, 1890W.E. Kane, F.T. WeidawHub-boring machinewheelwright
428,890May 27, 1890J. CarrKey Seat Rulerrule attachments
467,732Jan. 26, 1892J. CarrSurface Gaugesurface gauges
468,093Feb. 02, 1892J. CarrSurface Gaugesurface gauges
483,785Oct. 04, 1892G.S. HiltsPipe Wrenchchain and strap wrenches
490,121Jan. 17, 1893H.J. LeightonProtractor Bevelbevels
516,780Mar. 20, 1894J.W. TrippCombined Lateral Adjuster and Depth Adjusterplane cutter adjustments
519,703May 15, 1894O.C. EkmanSurface Gagesurface gauges
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