Patents for C. W. Smith |
Patents 1 -
of 22
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
72,202 | Dec. 17, 1867 | F.A. Huntington | Improved spring-bed bottom | beds and bedsteads |
82,994 | Oct. 13, 1868 | E.P. Russell | Nut Wrench | pliers type wrenches |
153,534 | Jul. 28, 1874 | J.C. Butterfield | Improvement in trip-hammers | drop hammers |
171,230 | Dec. 21, 1875 | W.A. Kitts | Improvement in shingle-planers | shingle machines |
297,602 | Apr. 29, 1884 | T. Hooker | Micrometer | micrometers |
385,692 | Jul. 10, 1888 | R.H. Arnold, E.S. Staples | Automatic damper | steam heating |
422,357 | Feb. 25, 1890 | W.E. Kane, F.T. Weidaw | Filter | |
422,358 | Feb. 25, 1890 | W.E. Kane, F.T. Weidaw | Hub-boring machine | wheelwright |
428,890 | May 27, 1890 | J. Carr | Key Seat Ruler | rule attachments |
467,732 | Jan. 26, 1892 | J. Carr | Surface Gauge | surface gauges |
468,093 | Feb. 02, 1892 | J. Carr | Surface Gauge | surface gauges |
483,785 | Oct. 04, 1892 | G.S. Hilts | Pipe Wrench | chain and strap wrenches |
490,121 | Jan. 17, 1893 | H.J. Leighton | Protractor Bevel | bevels |
516,780 | Mar. 20, 1894 | J.W. Tripp | Combined Lateral Adjuster and Depth Adjuster | plane cutter adjustments |
519,703 | May 15, 1894 | O.C. Ekman | Surface Gage | surface gauges |