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Patents for Charles H. Waterous
Patents 1 - 15 of 17
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GB-185,500,242Jan. 31, 1855C.H. WaterousImprovements in machinery for forging nuts and washersnut or bolt making machines
XC-582Dec. 24, 1855C.H. WaterousUseful improvements in the construction of steam and water circular saw millscircular sawmills
NF-10Apr. 14, 1856C.H. WaterousMachine for making nuts and washers from bars of heated metalnut or bolt making machines
XC-1,044Jan. 27, 1860C.H. WaterousAn improvement in the application of steam power, and in the manner of making such application, for the purposes of moving and working steam ploughs, steam fire engines, &c., &c., &c.steam engines
XC-1,141Sep. 25, 1860C.H. WaterousA new mode of packing and preserving hops
XC-1,201Mar. 04, 1861C.H. WaterousWater drawerpumps
XC-1,372Jun. 06, 1862C.H. WaterousA centripetal churn and centripetal agitator, for refining and fitting for use rock oil, or petroleum and coal oil
XC-1,392Jul. 08, 1862C.H. WaterousImproved machine for manufacturing the shoes of horses and other animalshorseshoes
XC-1,961Feb. 23, 1866C.H. WaterousImprovement in the steam engine, known as "Waterous' Combined Portable and Stationary Engine"steam engines
XC-2,608May 26, 1868C.H. WaterousMachine for sawing logs and cants into lumbersawmills
CA-90Oct. 02, 1869C.H. WaterousWaterous' set gauge for circular saw millssawmill set works
CA-801Feb. 08, 1871C.H. WaterousImprovement on fire protection and water supply
CA-2,023Feb. 03, 1873J.E. Emerson, G.H. Wilkes, C.H. WaterousRemovable saw set socketsaw sets
CA-2,094Feb. 21, 1873J.E. Emerson, G.H. Wilkes, C.H. WaterousImprovements on sawsinsertable saw teeth
358,952Mar. 08, 1887C.H. WaterousPortable engine
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