Patents for Francis Gould |
Patents 1 -
of 68
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
8,000 | Mar. 25, 1851 | N. Lamson | Scythe | |
9,028 | Jun. 15, 1852 | E. Jenney, D. Rood | Machine for jointing staves | barrel making machines |
11,587 | Aug. 22, 1854 | B.F. Graves | Tool for boring recesses for casters, &c. | drill bits |
16,828 | Mar. 17, 1857 | M.G. Farmer, A.F. Woodman | Improvement in telegraphic repeaters | telegraphy apparatus |
18,125 | Sep. 08, 1857 | S. Adams | Coal-sifter | |
20,527 | Jun. 08, 1858 | J.A. Woodbury | Planing-machine | wood planers |
40,185 | Oct. 06, 1863 | E.L. Pratt | Apple Parer | apple parers |
41,289 | Jan. 19, 1864 | J.S. French | Centering Heavy Articles in Lathes | metal lathe accessories and attachments |
46,823 | Mar. 14, 1865 | M.J. Rice, W.H. Millen | Improved journal-box | industrial machine pulleys and belt drive mechanisms |
47,876 | May 23, 1865 | J.M. Stone | Lathe Fastening | metal lathes |
47,878 | May 23, 1865 | J.A. Talpey | Improvement in hoisting apparatus | |
49,591 | Aug. 22, 1865 | M.J. Rice, W.H. Millen | Improved journal-box | industrial machine pulleys and belt drive mechanisms |
53,204 | Mar. 13, 1866 | A. Weed | Improvement in machines for cutting files | making files |
57,230 | Aug. 14, 1866 | A. Weed | Improved machine for cutting rasps | file cutting machines |
68,584 | Sep. 03, 1867 | A. Weed | Improvement in Files | files |