Patents for James Swan |
Patents 1 -
of 65
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
68,012 | Aug. 20, 1867 | J. Swan | Manufacture of Single Twist Augers | making drills and augers |
70,288 | Oct. 29, 1867 | J. Swan | Improvement in machines for stripping willow | debarking machines |
76,955 | Apr. 21, 1868 | J. Swan | Improved Machine for Making Auger-Bits | making drills and augers |
76,956 | Apr. 21, 1868 | J. Swan | Improvement in auger-handles | hand drills |
78,769 | Jun. 09, 1868 | J. Swan | Machine for Upsetting Cook's Bits | making drills and augers |
80,027 | Jul. 14, 1868 | J. Swan | Improvement in the Manufacture of Auger-Bits | making drills and augers |
96,847 | Nov. 16, 1869 | J. Swan | Die for Forming Cook's Bits | making drills and augers |
97,830 | Dec. 14, 1869 | J. Swan | Improvement in Auger-Handles | auger handles |
99,970 | Feb. 15, 1870 | J. Swan | Machine for Grinding & Polishing Bits | making drills and augers |
100,816 | Mar. 15, 1870 | J. Swan | Machine for Upsetting Cook's Bits | making drills and augers |
112,419 | Mar. 07, 1871 | W. Cleveland | Bit-brace | braces |
115,541 | May 30, 1871 | J. Swan | Improvement in Augers | auger bits |
116,509 | Jun. 27, 1871 | J. Swan | Improvement in machines for forming lips of auger-bits | tool making machines |
RE4,516 | Aug. 15, 1871 | J. Swan | Machine for Upsetting Cook's Bits | making drills and augers |
RE4,517 | Aug. 15, 1871 | J. Swan | Machine for Upsetting Cook's Bits | making drills and augers |