Patents for Solon C. Kemon |
Patents 1 -
of 69
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
68,854 | Sep. 17, 1867 | J.H. Diedrichs, M.A. Diedrichs | Grinding and Polishing Metals | polishing and buffing machinery |
D2,948 | Mar. 10, 1868 | J.H. Mann | Axe Label Design | axes |
81,997 | Sep. 08, 1868 | J.P. Grosvenor | Improvement in moulding-machines | wood shapers |
82,113 | Sep. 15, 1868 | J.P. Grosvenor | Improvement in machines for planing and moulding | wood shapers |
82,649 | Sep. 29, 1868 | T. Smith | Sawing, planing, turning and boring machine | wood planers |
95,706 | Oct. 12, 1869 | V.K. McElheny | Improvement in Combined Pipe-Tongs and Wrench | pipe tongs |
104,074 | Jun. 07, 1870 | G. Steck | Improvement in saws for sawing fellies | wheelwright |
111,099 | Jan. 17, 1871 | B. Walch | Adjustable Spur Auger | adjustable drill bits |
114,427 | May 02, 1871 | P. Estes | Improvement in Piston-Packings | piston ring and packing |
114,770 | May 16, 1871 | J.W. Currier | Improvement in Combined Tools | combination tools |
115,474 | May 30, 1871 | G. Holtzmann | Improvement in oyster-shuckers | |
122,443 | Jan. 02, 1872 | J.W. Currier | Improvement in Combined Tool | combination tools |
128,388 | Jun. 25, 1872 | J.F. Gyles | Improvement in machines for preparing lumber for building purposes | specialty woodworking machines |
131,946 | Oct. 08, 1872 | E. Ford | Improvement in expansive bits | adjustable drill bits |
132,579 | Oct. 29, 1872 | G.A. Holden | Improvment in Tubing-Tongs | pipe tongs |