Patents for John Sellers Bancroft |
Patents 1 -
of 15
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
224,762 | Feb. 24, 1880 | J.S. Bancroft | Injector for Feeding Boilers | water injectors |
243,634 | Jun. 28, 1881 | J.S. Bancroft, W. Sellers | Feed Gearing for Machine Tools | industrial machine gearing |
248,263 | Oct. 11, 1881 | J.S. Bancroft, W. Sellers | Turning Lathe | metalworking machine mechanisms |
270,366 | Jan. 09, 1883 | W.H. Thorne, J.S. Bancroft | Drill | drill sharpening machines |
323,019 | Jul. 28, 1885 | J.S. Bancroft | Machinery for Transmitting Motion | |
331,178 | Nov. 24, 1885 | J.S. Bancroft | Injector | water injectors |
374,908 | Dec. 13, 1887 | J.S. Bancroft, W. Sellers | Planing Machine for Metals | metal planers |
417,659 | Dec. 17, 1889 | J.S. Bancroft | Means for Operating the Die Heads of Bolt Threading Machines | metal threading machines |
460,497 | Sep. 29, 1891 | J.S. Bancroft | Tool Grinding Machine | tool grinders |
508,268 | Nov. 07, 1893 | J.S. Bancroft | Machine for Sharpening Drills | drill grinders |
520,748 | May 29, 1894 | J.S. Bancroft | Method of Operating Electric Motors | motor controls |
552,873 | Jan. 07, 1896 | C.G. Barth, J.S. Bancroft, W. Sellers | Testing Machine | testing machines |
646,397 | Mar. 27, 1900 | W.H. Thorne, J.S. Bancroft | Grinding-Machine | tool grinders |
734,799 | Jul. 28, 1903 | J.S. Bancroft | Tool Grinding Machine | tool grinders |
944,404 | Dec. 28, 1909 | J.S. Bancroft | Comparator | measurement gauges |