Patents for George Miller |
Patents 1 -
of 6
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
45,932 | Jan. 17, 1865 | G. Miller | Improvement in Carpenters' Gages | scribes |
50,484 | Oct. 17, 1865 | G. Miller | Improvement in Carpenters' Gages | marking gauges |
112,228 | Feb. 28, 1871 | W.H. Soley, W. Downing | Chain mortising machine | mortising machines |
CA-1,138 | Sep. 09, 1871 | G. Miller | Miller's cutter for Cheese box and other boards | wood splitting machines |
343,224 | Jun. 08, 1886 | J. Chantrell | Tool-handle | tool handles |
1,270,744 | Jun. 25, 1918 | J.O. Langford | Hand Guard for Planes | plane handles |