Patents for E. A. West |
Patents 1 -
of 11
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
104,755 | Jun. 28, 1870 | C.S. Moseley | Punching Watches | forging dies |
126,381 | May 07, 1872 | G.B. Durkee | Improvement in planing-machines | wood planers |
137,717 | Apr. 08, 1873 | T.T. Prosser, G.C. Morgan | Improvement in pipe-joints | |
149,311 | Apr. 07, 1874 | W. Heaysman | Scroll-saw | scrollsaws |
155,139 | Sep. 22, 1874 | B.C. Bradley | Wrenches | quick adjust wrenches |
158,560 | Jan. 05, 1875 | J. Woolridge | Improvement in land-rollers | agricultural |
160,348 | Mar. 02, 1875 | L.W. Pond | Improvement in saw-mills | circular sawmills |
RE7,910 | Oct. 16, 1877 | B.C. Bradley | Wrench | quick adjust wrenches |
216,023 | Jun. 03, 1879 | R.T. Crane | Improvement in Boring and Reaming Tools | tapered reamers |
228,324 | Jun. 01, 1880 | C.G. Cross | Drop-hammer lifter | drop hammers |
254,460 | Mar. 07, 1882 | M.T. Chapman | Pipe Wrench | chain and strap wrenches |