Patents for L. C. Hills |
Patents 16 -
of 52
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
431,610 | Jul. 08, 1890 | E.T. Mueller | Reamer Attachment for Die Stocks | reamers |
435,027 | Aug. 26, 1890 | S.G. Arnold | Carpenter's Roll-Gage | marking gauges |
445,972 | Feb. 10, 1891 | J. Caldwell | Compound Tool | combination tools |
454,017 | Jun. 16, 1891 | S.G. Arnold | Combination Clapboard Gage and Square | clapboard markers |
468,189 | Feb. 02, 1892 | J.L. Buckingham | Wire Tightener | pliers |
474,566 | May 10, 1892 | S.B. Rittenhouse | Wrench | alligator wrenches |
483,461 | Sep. 27, 1892 | J.A. Litel | Wrench | combination tools |
483,803 | Oct. 04, 1892 | L.H. Dempsey, J.W. Nairn, L.I. Folk | Improvements in Ratchet-Wrenches | wedge adjust wrenches |
484,218 | Oct. 11, 1892 | E.A. Commander, A.W. Miles | Wrench | pipe wrenches |
494,429 | Mar. 28, 1893 | W. Maney | Wire Twisting and Cutting Implement | pliers |
496,753 | May 02, 1893 | C.H. Gage, J. Smith | Pipe Wrench | pipe wrenches |
496,902 | May 09, 1893 | S.O. Root | Pliers | pliers |
522,749 | Jul. 10, 1894 | W.H. Bedell | Handsaw | special purpose saws |
527,592 | Oct. 16, 1894 | J.M. Cochran | Wrench | alligator wrenches |
544,292 | Aug. 13, 1895 | G.B. Davis | Clamp | clamps |