Patents for George T. Parker |
Patents 1 -
of 15
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
99,697 | Feb. 08, 1870 | W.R. Oatley | Improvements in stove-legs | |
100,484 | Mar. 01, 1870 | W.H. Wright | Improvement in farm gates | |
102,039 | Apr. 19, 1870 | A. Fickett | Improvement in apparatus for separating wood fiber for paper &c. | |
102,239 | Apr. 26, 1870 | A. Fickett | Improvement in apparatus for separating wood fiber for paper &c. | |
102,269 | Apr. 26, 1870 | H.B. Hooker | Skate-fastening | exercise and sports equipment |
106,222 | Aug. 09, 1870 | E.B. Sintzenich | Improvement in steam-generators | steam generators |
107,746 | Sep. 27, 1870 | D.A. Woodbury | Steam Engine Cut-Off | steam engine governors |
109,891 | Dec. 06, 1870 | M. Gregg | Improvement in water-wheels | water wheels |
110,562 | Dec. 27, 1870 | G.J. Kingsbury, W.H. Fuller | Improvement in treating hides and manufacturing leather | |
111,328 | Jan. 31, 1871 | W.H. Dobson | Improvement in scroll-saws | scrollsaws |
113,639 | Apr. 11, 1871 | J.C. Dietrich | Buck Saw Frame | frame saws |
114,918 | May 16, 1871 | N. Campbell | Improvement in curtain-fixtures | |
120,176 | Oct. 24, 1871 | E. Withall | Improvement in leg-and-foot rests | |
120,582 | Nov. 07, 1871 | C.S. Hall | Improvement in grain-separators | corn and grain separators |
161,690 | Apr. 06, 1875 | T.C. Lawrence | Improvement in miter-boxes | miter boxes |