Patents for James H. Layman |
Patents 61 -
of 92
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
151,106 | May 19, 1874 | W.P. McKee, W.H. Doane | Improvement in band sawing machines | bandsaws |
152,371 | Jun. 23, 1874 | J.L. Haven, G.H. Knight | Improvement in furniture-fastenings | furniture hardware |
157,309 | Dec. 01, 1874 | G.W. Bugbee | Improvement in mortising-machines | mortising machines |
D8,396 | Jun. 15, 1875 | H.L. Fry | Design for a chain-pump curb | |
D8,397 | Jun. 15, 1875 | H.L. Fry | Design for a chain-pump curb | |
188,154 | Mar. 06, 1877 | W.D. Leavitt, B.J. Thurston | Improvement in gas and water regulators | |
212,409 | Feb. 18, 1879 | J.J. Spilker | Improvement in miter-machines | miter machines |
220,626 | Oct. 14, 1879 | W.D. Leavitt | Improvement in machines for manufacturing flour | grist mills |
233,159 | Oct. 12, 1880 | J.B. Mooney | Steamboat-staging | nautical |
233,160 | Oct. 12, 1880 | J.B. Mooney | Steamboat-staging | nautical |
240,912 | May 03, 1881 | W.D. Leavitt | Baling-press | hay or straw binders |
242,468 | Jun. 07, 1881 | J. Mills | Hub-lathe | wood lathes |
259,012 | Jun. 06, 1882 | H. Heyns | Cutter-head | cutterheads |
271,043 | Jan. 23, 1883 | J.H. Davis | Improvements in Methods of Manufacturing Cast Jointed Tools | pliers |
283,779 | Aug. 28, 1883 | J.L. Haven | Tobacco-cutter | tobacco machinery |