Patents for C. C. Shepherd |
Patents 1 -
of 8
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
265,236 | Oct. 03, 1882 | T.W. Boyle | Wrench | pipe and nut combination wrenches |
274,099 | Mar. 20, 1883 | J. Ackerman, A.O. Mitchell, F.M. Underwood | Saw-mill dog | sawmill dogs |
365,661 | Jun. 28, 1887 | J. Ackerman, J.C. Blair | Saw-mill dog | sawmill dogs |
411,241 | Sep. 17, 1889 | H.D. Fields | Band-saw guide | bandsaw guides |
438,043 | Oct. 07, 1890 | G.W. Webster | Adjustable Fruit Jar Holder | jar wrenches |
455,225 | Jun. 30, 1891 | W.F. Mercer | Wrench | quick adjust wrenches |
514,721 | Feb. 13, 1894 | C.L. Mahnicke | Chain Pipe Wrench | chain and strap wrenches |
625,457 | May 23, 1899 | W.C. McCowan | Wrench | screw adjust wrenches |