Patents for Otto F. Barthel |
Patents 1 -
of 9
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
517,066 | Mar. 27, 1894 | J. Randa | Calipers | measurement gauges |
578,508 | Mar. 09, 1897 | A.J. Colburn | Potato-planter | crop planters |
659,290 | Oct. 09, 1900 | L.H. Colburn | Glass-blowing machine | |
687,209 | Nov. 26, 1901 | P. Drinkaus | Miter-cutting machine | miter boxes |
702,360 | Jun. 10, 1902 | W.M. Dwight | Automatic-cut-off sawing-machine | circular crosscut saws |
715,352 | Dec. 09, 1902 | L.M. Curry | Cutter Adjuster | plane cutter adjustments |
852,846 | May 07, 1907 | J. Rabey | Device For Facilitating The Removal Of Valves | valve spring tools |
868,803 | Oct. 22, 1907 | A. Pellrin | Beading or Molding Tool | scratch beaders |
1,127,754 | Feb. 09, 1915 | J.J. Grant | Nut-machine | nut or bolt making machines |