Patents for George W. Robinson |
Patents 1 -
of 7
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
4,361X | Mar. 16, 1826 | J. Brown, G.W. Robinson | Fire proof window shutters | |
4,369X | Mar. 24, 1826 | G.W. Robinson, J. Brown | Rack bolts for doors | |
4,674X | Feb. 20, 1827 | G.W. Robinson, J. Brown | Mode of making locks for doors | |
315,073 | Apr. 07, 1885 | G.W. Robinson | Log-turner | sawmill log handling |
348,295 | Aug. 31, 1886 | G.W. Robinson | Saw-mill carriage | sawmill carriages |
379,403 | Mar. 13, 1888 | W.D. Link | Log-canting device | woodworking machine material handling |
665,052 | Jan. 01, 1901 | W.A. Bernard | Hand Punch | |